New Disney Princess LEGO Sets In Stores November 1st!

UPDATE 11/20/2015 12:24 AM EST: News coming out from BrickSet mentions LEGO is showing the sets getting released on December 1st. Yay! UPDATE 11/01/2015 11:00 AM EST: As of this morning, I’m not seeing the new sets on Shop@Home. (Sorry guys!) But the moment they come out, I will make sure to announce it here! In

DixieLUG September 2015 Meeting

Earlier this year, we were invited to attend DixieLUG. If you don’t know what a LUG is, let me explain. LUG stands for LEGO User Group. It’s the vehicle that LEGO uses to help AFOLs (Adult Fans of LEGO) get together and hang out and share ideas. Each LUG is situated in areas where someone has specifically taking on the responsibility

LEGO White House Building Instructions

As promised, below you will find the LEGO White House building instructions from our visit to The LEGO Americana Roadshow a few weeks past. It’s a simple build, but enjoyable nonetheless. It came together fairly easily, with most of the main architectural features readily distinguishable. Our daughter and I took turns building the steps. That’s

Top 5 Easiest LEGO Costume Ideas

With Halloween right around the corner, you know you’re running out of time if you plan on making a LEGO costume for Halloween. You still have the weekend so it’s not too late! Since we’re here to help, here are a few ideas and links for the top 5 easiest LEGO Halloween costumes we’ve come across:   1.