When we first built our LEGO winter village MOC, we knew we always wanted to add a nativity scene. Adding the sets we had on hand became the first priority before we added any of our own original MOCs, though. It wasn’t until two years ago I finally built our own LEGO Nativity MOC.
It’s gone through a few iterations to its latest state. But before all that, I’ll share where I started.
My First Version
As you guys probably know, I have my issues with building MOCs. I always say it comes so easy to many of my friends. For me, I spend a lot of time thinking about them.
There were many hours spent surfing the interwebs looking at different ideas to see what I would like best. I’ll share those with you guys in another post.

I finally opted for a simple shack build. Nothing super fancy, but I did add snow details to the top of the shack, since our village has an eternal fresh snowfall after all.
The roof was slightly tilted and definitely an “illegal” connection, but it worked for us. I envisioned creating instructions for it, but with the roof, decided against that.

While not all pictured above, my original minifigures included Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus, plus the Three Wise Men. Baby Jesus was made with a minifigure head and a 1×1 round brick. Although, Baby Jesus did somehow grow legs and wander off during teardown that year.
The 2020 Build
As we spent last year adding lights to our winter village build, I decided I should rework our nativity just a bit. Eventually we’ll add lights to this one too, but what we built wasn’t ready for them just yet.

One of the things we wanted to better modify was the creche. While it wasn’t the greatest roof build, I did like it… initially. On the other hand, Mr. Family Brick was wanting something more “traditional”… Although who’s to say what was and wasn’t traditional for that time period. I guess, traditional, in this sense, means more like the nativity scenes we grew up with when we were little.
So I went back to the drawing board, trying to decide on a roofline, when wouldn’t you know it… I found myself staring at a boat hull and admiring it for the interesting roofline it would make. Mr. Family Brick caught me in the middle of it and thought it would be a great idea, too. With that, we went to work figuring out how we could make that happen.
As you can see from some of the photos, it’s got some gaps and holes in the build. Some of our bricks don’t line up neatly and/or don’t provide enough space for additional bricks to connect, but as far as we’re concerned, it’s a build we are happy with.
Here are more photos if you’d like to check out our LEGO Nativity build:
We made a few other changes. Got around to adding a shepherd boy. We updated the torso and hair for the angel. And finally also replaced our missing Baby Jesus with the baby from the Tribal Woman minifigure from Series 15. Can’t have a nativity without Him! I think we’re good on the changes for now.
Later this year, we’ll tackle lighting. ;)