It’s not often I find I’ve missed coming across a winter village theme set. I mean, you have seen our Ultimate List posts, right? But as it turns out, I was completely oblivious to the very, very, VERY rare LEGO Elf Cafe. Back in 2016, LEGO Certified Professional Andy Hung, teamed up with then Langham
Author: Mrs. The Family Brick
The “OMG!” LEGO Holiday Gift Guide For 2020
As I was beginning to write this LEGO holiday gift guide for 2020, I was thinking about which sets I would share in this post with you guys. But let’s be honest, 2020 has not been a normal year. LEGO has been just about sold out of many of their sets as plenty of parents
Integrating the LEGO Elf Club House into Our Winter Village
The LEGO Elf Club House (10275) is one of our most favorite builds of the LEGO Winter Village theme. With tons of lovely details… and waffles, can’t forget to mention the waffles… there’s nothing not to like about this build. The only problem was trying to figure out how to integrate it into our existing
Easy LEGO Wreath Sales Build Idea
One of the things I love about the winter village theme is the ease with which you can create scenes and smaller buildings. For example, I was following a Facebook group thread recently where someone was fleshing out an idea for a LEGO Wreath Sales build. I had never thought of that, so it was
Everything You Need To Know About The LEGO Life Magazine
Is your kid getting the LEGO Life Magazine? Or are you now wondering what that is? We’ve been LEGO magazine recipients since The Little Brick was 4, way back when it was called the LEGO Club Magazine, and have always enjoyed it. If you’ve never heard of the magazine, you probably have questions. Well, we
The Christmas Story: The Brick Bible for Kids Book Review
It’s been a while since I purchased The Christmas Story: The Brick Bible for Kids book. It’s part of our Christmas book collection we pull out every year. Since we’re already decorating for Christmas, I ran across it in my storage bins. Made me realize we’ve never reviewed it. Description of The Christmas Story: The
2020 LEGO Black Friday Deals
Updated November 26, 2020! It probably feels like I’m jumping the gun here, but 2020 LEGO Black Friday deals are already getting announced! Generally, LEGO Black Friday deals don’t start showing up until the week before Black Friday. Actually, this is not just limited to LEGO, but all Black Friday promotions. With COVID-19 and everyone
Winter Village Diner Build
It’s been a busy week around here, so we haven’t spent much time working on anything LEGO related. Sometimes work gets in the way. ;) However, we did find this amazing Winter Village Diner build we wanted to share with you guys! Description of the Winter Village Diner Build The build was created by Steve
Expanding The LEGO Winter Village Book Review
Once you get started building a winter village, you’ll probably start thinking “what’s next”. That’s after you build all the available LEGO winter village sets you can get your hands on, of course. The theme is addictive. But if you’re feeling a little short on the ideas, you’ll probably find the Expanding The LEGO Winter
Festive Winter Village Cafe Build
Today, our LEGO Winter Village Inspiration Fridays continues with this really cute Winter Village Cafe build! I think every winter village should have some sort of cafe or restaurant for all the hungry patrons slogging through snow. So I was super excited when I saw this build. I ran across it on the Fans of