Yes, I did just write “2020”. There’s a reason for that, so bear with me… Last month, I mentioned LEGO had brought back the LEGO Monthly Mini Build program in a new format. That’s how I ended up getting a polybag of the January 2020 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Chinese Dragon.

I wasn’t thinking much of it lately, as I got back into the swing of work. But the polybag has been staring at me in my office. That’s when I decided to check the LEGO Monthly Mini Build page to see what the new build was for January 2021. Turns out it is the same as it was last year!
Or rather, at least it was last week. When I just visited the other day, the page was broken, so I suspect they may have realized the issue and are working on getting it updated.
In the meantime, I thought I’d revisit the dragon and share this adorable build with you.
About the January 2020 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Chinese Dragon

If you haven’t seen this build, you’re missing out on a super cute Chinese New Year themed treat! Colors of red, yellow, white and gold really bring this build alive. I love the use of the dots pieces to recreate the draping of fabric seen on real-life Chinese dragon props used in traditional dragon dance events at festivals.
Here are a few more photos from my build session:

Resources to Build the Chinese Dragon
If you need a downloadable parts list, you can grab one from Brickset. You can also download the instructions for the January 2020 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Chinese Dragon here.
Have you built any of the LEGO Monthly Mini Builds from last year? Let me know what you thought of them below!