One of the things I love about the winter village theme is the ease with which you can create scenes and smaller buildings. For example, I was following a Facebook group thread recently where someone was fleshing out an idea for a LEGO Wreath Sales build. I had never thought of that, so it was pretty exciting to see it mentioned.

The thread author, Michael Paul, reached out to the group asking for help getting started. He had gotten as far as the picture above and was hoping for some guidance.

Part of the discussion also dealt around how to add more “for sale” wreaths to the build. At that point, Anthony La Gambina recommended a wreath rack like the one above. I do think that is pretty ingenious.

Michael then came back with the next iteration of his build, creating this starting idea wreath stand above. I love that he used a variety of bricks for his wreaths.
We all loved the direction he was going.

A few days later, Michael came back with his finished build. It’s pretty adorable, don’t you think? He did a great job.
We’ll be working on a version of our own this weekend. Would love to see a little shack with it as well.