Is your kid getting the LEGO Life Magazine? Or are you now wondering what that is? We’ve been LEGO magazine recipients since The Little Brick was 4, way back when it was called the LEGO Club Magazine, and have always enjoyed it.

If you’ve never heard of the magazine, you probably have questions. Well, we have answers below:
What is the LEGO Life magazine?
LEGO® Life Magazine is a FREE magazine created for kids.
Every issue is packed full of LEGO news and behind-the-bricks interviews, comic adventures, games and puzzles, building challenges and Cool Creations built by LEGO fans. You also get sneak peeks at the latest sets and themes.
Is LEGO Life free?
Yes! The LEGO Life Magazine is free.
How do I get the magazine?
Just sign up for an account, or log into your kid’s account to sign up.
Who can get the magazine?
You can get the magazine if you are a kid ages 5-9 years old. (Although our daughter is 10 and she just received the magazine this month.)
How often does the LEGO Life magazine come?
The magazine is delivered four times a year.
When can I expect our first magazine?
Depending on the time of month you signed up and the shipping schedule of the magazine, it can take anywhere from 6 to 16 weeks before you get the first magazine.
Where can I get previous versions of the magazine?
You can read and download older LEGO Life magazines here.
Wasn’t there another magazine before this one?
Yes, there were actually two! Over the years, we’ve written posts on the LEGO Club Jr. magazine and LEGO Club magazine.
So what happened to the previous magazines?
Sometime in 2017, LEGO started promoting their new app, LEGO Life. Along with the new app, came a rebrand of the LEGO Club and the LEGO Club Jr. magazines into the singular LEGO Life Magazine.
They also changed the age at which you could get the magazine. Where you had to be 4 – 6 to get the LEGO Club Jr and 7 – 11 to get the LEGO Club magazines, you now only get the LEGO Life magazine between ages 5 and 9.
How do I update my address to get the LEGO Life magazine?
You can log into your account and update your address here.
Well, that about covers everything related to the LEGO Life magazine. If there’s anything else we can answer about it, let us know in the comments below!