Now that taxes are done, I’ve had some time to look at the growing stack of polybags collecting in my office these past few months. We don’t always open all LEGO sets in our house (I know, I know… sacrilege!) So what we don’t use, we put on eBay for other collectors. Also, we don’t always love the polybags we have, for example…

I will admit I’m not a fan of Bionicle, but for every purchase we made in January, we got a new LEGO Bionicle Hero Pack (5002941) polybag. They started growing like weeds. I’m just not a fan of spiders.

We also had a few other special promotion or special purchase polybags, like the LEGO Flower Cart (40140) , LEGO Store Employee (5001622), Han Solo (Hoth) (5001621) and the LEGO City Demolition Driller (30312). There was also another LEGO Minifigure Series 12 Hot Dog Man in a sealed bag I found at the bottom of the pile. If you want to purchase any of these, you can find them on our eBay page.
There were a few more LEGO boxes in the bin… just won’t be able to get them posted until this weekend again…
What do you do with all your LEGO polybags?